1 min readApr 23, 2021

Hi my name is Shaya I am a first year student from Bascii Chulalongkorn university. I used to study at Shrewsbury international. I consider myself as an optimistic person. I like to think positively about nearly every obstacle in my life. I am not good at remembering context when studying, I need to be able to understand the context in order to remember and score well on tests. I am also an animal lover. I have 1 rabbit and 1 cat at home. I really love animals. In the future I want to open a startup or business related to animals. And if I am stable with my work and income, I would like to open a foundation for stray dogs and cats, finding new homes and giving new life for them. The things that I am looking forward to in this class are skills and knowledge of marketing in order to used it for my future career. This subject also gives student opportunities to work in group p, which will future enhance a student’s team working skills, which is a very important skill everybody should have . I also look forward learning fun classes with all my classmates.